Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Don't Make Love Without A Glove

Dealing with the responsibility of being a parent is one of the hardest tasks to take on. One of the problems in today's society is teenage pregnancy. The risk of pregnancy in teenagers is increasing largely. Many teenagers don't know how big of a responsibility it is to raise another human being when they themselves still have a lot of growing to do. Teenagers need to be more educated about themselves and their bodies as well as ways to protect themselves from getting pregnant if they're sexually active. Also, teenagers are more prone to risks during a pregnancy than a twenty or thirty year old woman would be.

Why do teenage girls get pregnant?

One of the main factors of teen pregnancy is the influence of media technology. Teenagers’ minds are easily influenced because they are not mature enough to decide what is right or wrong. Pirated DVDs are cheap and available everywhere, thus it is easy for a teen to get a copy of movies they can’t watch in cinemas because they are underage. Also, the convenience of the internet provides a way to help them download any video or the latest movies that contain pornography such as The Fast and The Furious, The Catwomen, Charlie Angels and others . At their age, they should not act like an adult and have sex. Therefore, media technologies easily influence the teenage mind which is still lacking of knowledge.

Below are some other factors that contribute to teen pregnancy:

Health Risks to a Teenage Mother

A teenage mother has special problems, emotionally and physically.

*The younger the mother, the greater the chance to have complications for both the baby and the mother.

Consequences of Teenage Pregnancy

The future of teenage girls who are pregnant often don't hold great promises for the baby and teenager due to the amount of dedication involved with raising a child.

Our Health, Our Futures


Posted by Tech Alley at 5:25 PM

Tech Alley